Newport Beach Neurologists on omo: “It’s the Real Deal”
Independent physicians are a lifeline to countless patients — but many struggle to stay profitable and sustainable. Sadly, according to the American Medical Association, private practices are increasingly burdened with administrative costs, recruitment challenges, and professional isolation.
However, many physicians ARE finding new ways to overcome these threats to success. In the case of Newport Beach Neurologists, partnering with omo has been key.
Newport Beach Neurologists
C. Philip O’Carroll, M.D.
- 40 years practicing medicine
- 30 – 35 patients a day
- 10 staff members
Too many issues, not enough support
When John Carroll was first introduced to the idea of partnering with omo, he questioned if it would really make a difference.
“Was I a little skeptical? Yes,” he says. “We had worked with group purchasing organizations before with mixed results.”
As the accounting manager at Newport Beach Neurologists — which sees 30 to 35 patients each day for headaches and pain — Carroll wrestled with the same challenges faced by many private practices. His 10-member team was facing a constant cash flow battle, margins were tight, and insurance claims had become a seemingly never-ending cycle of denials and appeals. To top it all off, medical supplies and office equipment were costing more each year.
But unfortunately, real help was hard to come by.
“Our previous partners had done some things for us, no question,” Carroll recalls. “We got a great deal on our copy machine and discounts for staff phones. But we needed additional support.”
Meanwhile, costs kept climbing.
“It was very expensive,” Carroll says. “I was paying the bills and the markups were significant.”
And that copy machine? While the practice got a great deal initially, each toner cartridge cost a minimum of $200 — after discounts.
“The old way just didn’t quite work,” he says. “It wasn’t as intuitive. There wasn’t enough communication. That’s why I was so skeptical when we heard about omo.”
An all-new partnership model designed to help independent physicians thrive
When Carroll heard that omo had created a new model for supporting independent physicians, it sounded too good to be true. Dedicated account managers? Premium group purchasing? A custom value analysis to identify fair market value? He’d seen other organizations fail to deliver on promises like these before. Still, he decided to give the partnership a try. Turns out, the difference was night and day.
Instant 30% savings on medical supplies (and an account rep who answers every email)
“Once we moved over to omo, there was a drastic drop of at least 30% on medical supply costs,” Carroll says. Within days, his team had traded pharmacy waiting lists and high prices for fast service and big discounts.
And that’s not even the best part. Carroll says the biggest surprise of his membership came when he discovered omo’s relationship with Staples Advantage. While his practice had used the program in the past, it was available on an entirely new level through omo.
“We’re paying one fifth — maybe even one sixth — of what we used to spend on that old toner,” he says. “That’s a huge expense to us, and it’s just one example.”
Perhaps most importantly, Carroll’s messages no longer go unanswered. He can send an email or call his account manager any time, knowing he’ll instantly receive the answers he needs.
“This is the first time I’ve had a business relationship with someone who’s so communicative and responsive,” he says.
Looking ahead, there’s still a lot more to come
Now that Newport Beach Neurologists has experienced the difference a strong partner can make, the team is making plans to put omo’s other services to use. Next up? Recruitment support.
“We’ve been short staffed and I can’t tell you what a nightmare it is,” Carroll says. “I paid so many inflated fees to medical staffing companies and sites like Indeed and ZipRecruiter. Both were a nightmare. Now, with omo, it’s wonderful to have a professional outfit where we’re not going to get gouged — omo can really find the right type of people for us.”
Carroll’s convinced omo will continue to help his practice not only survive but thrive.
“It’s the real deal,” he says. “omo has taken the idea of supporting independent physicians to another level.”
Wondering what omo can do for your private practice? Become a member to start exploring the benefits today.